TYRE🌹NICHOLS. With a mixture of frustration and anger, the reactions to the latest police brutality video of an unarmed Black person reveals that many are emotionally exhausted. The seemingly never ending scenario of violent police encounter + video = outrage has many in a posture of reflective outrage. Others call the performative nature of what follows after a violent and viral police encounter a kabuki dance that isn’t changing outcomes.
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Virginia's Power Players on Police Brutality…
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TYRE🌹NICHOLS. With a mixture of frustration and anger, the reactions to the latest police brutality video of an unarmed Black person reveals that many are emotionally exhausted. The seemingly never ending scenario of violent police encounter + video = outrage has many in a posture of reflective outrage. Others call the performative nature of what follows after a violent and viral police encounter a kabuki dance that isn’t changing outcomes.