@NAACP Calls on Youngkin DEI Chief to Resign After "DEI is Dead" Speech at VMI #Virginia
“DEI IS DEAD.” YOUNGKIN INCLUSION CHIEF HATES INCLUSION. Martin Brown, who is serving as Gov. Glenn Younkin’s third Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chief in less than two years in office, was hired in November 2022. Brown’s titled was re-titled as Chief Diversity “Opportunity” and Inclusion Officer — rather than “Equity.”
During a speech at Virginia Military Institute on April 21, Brown said, “let’s take a moment right now to kill that cow. DEI is dead. We’re not going to bring that cow up anymore. It’s dead. It was mandated by the General Assembly, but this governor has a different philosophy of civil discourse, civility, treating — living the golden rule, right?”
Brown’s remarks were first reported by Ian Shapira at the The Washington Post on April 27. That Virginia’s Chief Diversity officer made his remarks at Virginia Military Institute (VMI) is noteworthy. VMI has had a continuing struggle with racism and diversity.
VMI is a publicly funded senior military college in Lexington, Virginia founded in 1839 and is the oldest public senior military college in U.S. The first Black cadets were not admitted at VMI until 1968. The first women were not admitted until 1997. In June 2021, an independent report on Virginia Military Institute found a “racist and sexist culture,” at the school. That report, conducted independently by Barnes & Thornburg Law Firm, can be downloaded here:
“VMI’s in a unique space … You’ve been at the tip of the spear in serving our country in sending warriors to battle, but in a way, you’re at the tip of the spear in this cultural war as well… generally, when you are focusing on equity, you’re not pursuing merit or excellence or achievement. Not all the time, but you’re looking at equal outcomes,” Brown told the audience at VMI. His speech can be viewed here.
Brown’s speech can be heard below.
This morning the Virginia NAACP called for Brown’s resignation.
April 28, 2023 / MEDIA CONTACT
Karen E. Jones | (540) 449-4742 | kjones@naacpva.org | Deja Cromartie | (347) 721-4414 | press@naacpva.org
Virginia NAACP Calls for the Resignation of Martin D. Brown, Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer
RICHMOND, VIRGINIA – The Virginia State Conference NAACP (Virginia NAACP) calls for the resignation of Martin D. Brown as the Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer of Virginia.
Last week, Mr. Brown delivered an address to faculty members of the Virginia Military Institute that denounces the precepts, goals, and mission of the very office he fills. The speech was filled with partisan talking points and erroneous assumptions and demonstrated Mr. Brown’s lack of fitness for the critically important position he occupies.
Mr. Brown is the third person to fill this position since the current administration took office and to date, has failed to deliver either a framework to promote inclusive practices across state government or a strategic plan to address systemic inequities in state government practices, both of which are mandated in the legislation that created his position. Instead, in his remarks, Mr. Brown stated that “DEI is dead” and that this governor has a philosophy different from the mandate of the statute, which is state law. Mr. Brown implied that the very existence of the office he occupies creates division and what he called “stink” among the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
His comments are not in keeping with either the intent of the office nor the spirit of unity of people supported by the Virginia State Conference NAACP. He should resign immediately.
Virginia NAACP President Robert N. Barnette, Jr. issued the following statement today:
“Mr. Brown actively promotes the reckless rhetoric of this administration. We will not stand silently while this administration dismantles the progress being made to achieve equity and advancing civil rights.”
The Virginia NAACP will continue to fight for the achievement of equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.
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