In 50 Days, Sen. McClellan Set to Join Biggest Congressional Black Caucus Ever
WASHINGTON, D.C. — There are nine new members of the Congressional Black Caucus starting their careers in Congress today. State Senator Jennifer McClellan will very likely be elected the tenth new member of the CBC in 50 days.
Scenes from the Congressional Black Caucus’ ceremonial swearing-in… the only swearing-in we may see today?
Today in Washington, members of Congress arrived at the U.S. Capitol for the first day of the 118th Congress in the nation’s capitol. As MAGA-infused Republicans struggle to elect a Speaker of the House, one thing is certain: The Congressional Black Caucus will be the largest in history with 58 members and the next generation of CBC members are beginning to find themselves in leadership roles.
Along with hundreds of former elected officials, corporate and immunity leaders, State Senator Jennifer McClellan attended today’s CBC ceremonial swearing-in. The event was attended by an endless number of Black civic, political and religions leaders whose work is connected to federal legislation and funding. McClellan fit in perfectly, speaking and taking pictures with fellow members of Delta Sigma Theta, well-wishers in connected to the CBC and members of Congress she most assuredly will soon be serving with.
Two Black Caucus members, outgoing Chair Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) and incoming Chair Steven Horsford (D-NV), listed all the work the Black Caucus has done in the majority over the last few Congresses. Democrats are expected to do well in two years in a presidential year after holding on and winning way more seats than was expected after the false predictions of a “red wave” fell far short. McClellan may be serving in the minority when she arrived in two months… but likely not for long.
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of Brooklyn will take the lead as the Leader of the Democrats in the House with sharper and more pointed messaging as Democrats confront Republican Party increasing uninterested in governance.
The Congressional Black Caucus of the 118th Congress held their traditional ceremonial swearing in event at 8 a.m. at The Anthem in SW section of the District of Columbia.
The Black Caucus is also led by a group of senior U.S. Representatives who are likely to take power again in two years as Democrats strategize to win back the U.S. House in a presidential year. They include Virginia’s own Bobby Scott (D-VA), Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA),
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